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Serving the Native Communities of the Chugach Region


Behavioral Health

Chugachmiut’s CARF Certified Behavioral Health Department provides counseling services for individuals, families, and couples. We offer a spectrum of support combining the best traditional Native healing practices with the Western model of psychological assistance. Help is offered in the villages, remote sites, and rural communities of the extended region. The village-based services provided are considered the backbone of our department.

Itinerant staff members travel to the villages from Anchorage, ideally twice monthly, weather permitting. The itinerant staff sees clients for mental health and substance abuse issues. Some clients prefer outside counselors due to relationships with the village staff. Counselors meet with scheduled clients, give community-wide or school-based presentations, meet with Elders in their homes or at gatherings, deal with emergencies, and meet with and help kids in the schools with behavioral health issues (or even homework, if the teacher desires).

In three of the four villages within the region, Chugachmiut employs Behavioral Health Aides (BHA), which have or are seeking certification through the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. BHAs are trained in a wide range of behavioral health issues through the Rural Human Services Program. Our long-term BHP counselor has more than eight years of service to Chugachmiut. The BHAs all have daily work schedules that reflect the interests and needs of their respective communities.

Chugachmiut Behavioral Health Crisis Line: 1-844-891-0444

Need support or someone to talk to? We are here for you 24/7! Reach out to our Behavioral Health Counselors and Advocates by calling us anytime. We cover counseling, addictions, domestic violence, social services, and more. Your well-being matters, and we’re ready to help.


Click on our Forms page to download the BHA intake packet.

Let’s Talk About it – Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Community Healing: A Resource Guide

Chugachmiut Heritage Preservation

Heritage Preservation

Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware

Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).

Heritage Preservation

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